A beautful couple and their intimate wedding in Italy

Venue: Villa de Michelangioli

Wedding photographer: Stefano Denanni

Wedding Planner: Wedding in Tuscany

Stefano was our photographer in Tuscany this September and he did a wonderful job. His English was great, his service from the moment we chose him was fabulous, he was very quick at answering all our questions and he provided all our pictures within weeks of the ceremony, which we are very happy with


The geographical location of Lucignano is perfect for a destination wedding italy, in a dominant position between Siena and Arezzo, has made it strategically important since ancient times and, over the centuries from 1200 to 1500, resulted in the continuous passages of jurisdiction between Siena, Florence, Arezzo and Perugia.
The small village of Lucignano is one of the most extraordinary examples of medieval town planning, with its elliptical concentric rings, which have remained intact over the centuries. Walking through the narrow streets, between houses of stone and brick, we reach the heart of the village: the square of the Tribunal, which is overlooked by the Town Hall, the Church of St. Francis and the Collegiata. L’albero d’oro Inside the XIII century Town Hall building is the Museum, the keeper of Lucignano’s treasures: works of art from the Tuscan Middle Ages and Renaissance, among which stands the magnificent Golden Tree. Its impressive size (2.60 meters high) and the richness of the decoration (corals, crystals, miniature on parchment ..) make it an attraction for tourists from all over the world. The Tree is within the Sala delle Udienze, the Hall of the Audiences, all painted with frescoes dedicated to Illustrious Men, created on commission by the Priors of Lucignano in the XV century. Next to the municipal building there is the Franciscan complex dating from the XIII century that consists of the church and monastery. The church has a Gothic facade, realized with horizontal bands of sandstone and travertine, a clear influence of Siena, with an impressive travertine portal and a rose window in sandstone.

Paul & Sarah – destination wedding italy